March/April Clip Competition

Watched over 10,000 time!
With another month of fine goals and skills to choose from, it was another close race for PlayCam’s March/April clip competition. However, it gave PlayCam much pleasure to award the title of March/April clip winner to Serkan at Trent Park Football.
With a total of over 10,000 video views (1,500 on the PlayCam website and a further 8,500 on Twitter), this spectacular overhead kick from Serkan has been a PlayCam favourite!
As a regular of Trent Park Football, we have seen many brilliant moments from Paris Michaels and the team. Serkan’s goal back in April highlights the quality that amateur and social football brings the footballing world!
Showing us all that it isn’t just Ronaldo and co that has dazzling technique!
As reward for winning the March/April clip competition, PlayCam award Serkan with a brand new pair of Adidas 18.3 AG Boots. We hope to be treated to many more clips from Serkan (in his new boots) in the coming months.
Lets see the winning clip
Best of the rest…
As well as this stunning overhead kick, we were also treated to some magical moments from Josh D’Souza and Mitchell Fern. Here are some of our favourites from the March/April clip competition:
by Josh D’Souza
The vision to back heel this around the keeper, with his back to goal was great improvisation from Josh.
by Mitchell Fern
The nutmeg before the rabona goal was simply exceptional.
PlayCam look forward to seeing more skills and goals in the May/June competition.
So get submitting those clips